"Skinny is Best is a blog about the Chemical Diet, which is a one week diet where you can lose up to one stone. Weight loss food plans are shared." Skinny is Best Skip to main content


Showing posts from September, 2022

The New Weight Loss Book

Can the Exante Diet Plan Be Beneficial in Reversing Diabetes?

  The Exante Diet plan is now considered to be a great Exante chemical diet plan if you want to reverse Diabetes. Another Diabetes diet is the low carb diet or even the Chemical Diet which I have tried and this can also reverse Diabetic symptoms if you stick to it.  So, is it true? Can the Exante Diet plan be beneficial in Reversing Diabetes? Can the Exante Diet reverse Diabetes Type 2? Should I give it a try? Read on...

The Secret to Losing Weight Positively

It takes willpower and determination when trying to lose weight. Getting back on track can be hard. It’s not easy for any of us at times, but would you like to try something different to make it easier? I f you want to know more and you are desperate to lose weight, then read on to learn how you can conquer this…

Adele Lost Seven Stone on the Sirtfood Diet Plan

Have you seen the news about Adele's seven-stone weight loss? She has lost a lot of weight on the Sirtfood diet. A popular weight loss diet. Adele gives credit to the Sirtfood diet for seven stone weight loss! Find out more here...

How One Woman Drank Green Tea and Lost 8 Stone

Is it possible to lose weight by drinking at least six cups of Green tea every day? Can you lose weight fast by drinking  Green tea ? Find out how one person did this...