"Skinny is Best is a blog about the Chemical Diet, which is a one week diet where you can lose up to one stone. Weight loss food plans are shared." Skinny is Best Skip to main content


Showing posts from August, 2024

The New Weight Loss Book

A Healthy Stew for Fast Weight Loss

Learn how to eat healthily, especially if you need to lose weight fast. Here is a recipe that a guy I know used when he was bodybuilding. He wanted six-pack abs so he ate stew every day until he got them. You can definitely lose a lot of weight eating food like this! Check out the recipe and the story of the bodybuilder who lost a lot of weight eating stews.

Lose a Stone on the Fruitarian Diet

Photo credit: Denise Larkin - photo of Cyprus from my travel blog Have you heard of the Fruitarian diet? It's a diet that consists of eating mostly fruit, which I have done, but I have added protein to the diet to make it healthier. Find out more...

Weight Loss Ideas and Tricks if You Want to Lose One Stone

I have been searching for a diet that will help me lose weight.